Sunday, 6 March 2011

dimanche soir à Londres, to be un flâneur

5:00 pm Candid Arts/ Photography Exhibition

Mike Lin

Katie Kavanagh

Robert Quinn
I love to observe a door at the same angle.

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6:00 Barbican Art Gallery (lower)

Electric Chair
This is a work can make you feel coldness climbing on your back.
Its about conversation.

6:30 Barbican Art Gallery (upper)
Performance: Walking on the Wall
Trisha Brown
The artist want to break the natural balance, experiment a fresh new way of our daily living method.
For me, this is a performance investigating how people encounter each others and how they act, react.
There are several different pattern, but limited and repeated.
Life is just like this.
 Although one is a particular existence, no one can escape the routine planned.
And we can always find the same pattern around.

Gordon Matta-Clark is an artist who attracts me.
Through his works I can found some common interests between us.
especially the overlapping of spaces
or melting lots of spaces on a plate surface
I finally found someone obsessed by this subject.
Maybe because I've just realized this is one of my major interests.

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7:30pm Barbican center level 4 

I found 905 here.

*  *  *
7:45pm Curve

Cory Arcangel
Beat the Champ
No where is more suitable than Curve to curate this exhibition, I dare to say.

A cup of hot chocolate.
8:00pm Silk Road Exit

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