the zoopraxiscope |
First target was Eadweard Muybridge's special exhibition, before I went to that exhibition, I don't know how large this strange-named man's influence is."just prove when a horse is running, the for hooves are leaving ground..."Big no no! (Of course no) In my conclusion, I think firstly, generally, Muybridge's animal locomotion photos provide a vivid and accurate model to refer for scientists and artistes who have difficulty to understand how animals moves in a long term time and zoopraxiscope which shocked all society even all Europe (I remember clearly I red in a old book which is in the exhibition and a press wrote:"If Micheal Angelo, Raphael etc were still alive, they will certainly travel all Europe and come to see this master piece!"when I red this phrase, I laughed but through this I can imagine at that era how this zoopraxisope shock the whole society). Then specifically, Francis Bacon seems affected a lot from his work and the famous nude woman descending stairs of Duchamp is also inspired by the locomotion of Muybridge.
So now I understand why Muybridge can has his exhibition in Tate Britain, I mean really he is not only a photographer(Of course not!)
Plus I really love the idea that on the wall of introduction, the glass and the grid background makes audience became a part of Muybridge's experiment!
I understood its meaning when I finished the whole tour.
I took 1h30min and still not feeling I discovered all, maybe another day I can revise this superb exhibition once more!
Then, I roam toward upstairs...WoW Tate is really Giant(Of course!). Till its closure I visited some little room of modern art. What I interested in the most is the room about constructivism art.
I think this will helps me a lot in the next subject---3D spatial,cuz I really haven't the conception of space in my brain, it's too abstract to me, I always have the difficulty to solve spatial problems like things in I just think this room is a very good example to explain How artists express 3D conception in their way.
Look at this work, What it inspired me is that why I feel so difficult to understand 3D..It is because we always tend to express our mind in a flat plane, like on the paper or canvas ...but these kind of works has its considering about the space. it means the artist should think about when an audience look at this work,from every angle, what will be the impression,the compact exerts to him!!! of course, the sculptures, the installations will all have this point to consider, so I should exercise myself to remember this difference and try to think about it every time!
Well, this is what I gained today, really a day full of harvest and surprise!And Really happy to be a chelsea student~not only the school itself, its neighbour too, we can get into the 10pounds-worth special exhibition for free and just 0.5min walk to Tate Britain, I really should cherish this 1 year study life and experience in chelsea!
PS: I'm sure most of you who red my blog went to Tate already, Please exchange some thinking and ideas, I really want to communicate with you!!!Thanks!!!
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